- 1. Introduction
- In which we reflect on the way we get a sense of human activity in day-to-day life and introduce the issue of awareness of human presence on the web.
- 2. Background and related areas
- In which we review some related literature including the system visualising real footsteps that inspired the web visualisations in this paper
- 3. Visualising visitations
- In which we propose two new visualisations of current web visitation that display in very different ways the paths that visitors are taking through the site.
- 4. Mechanisms
- In which we explain the algorithms: using a ‘comes nextness’ matrix and log sampling.
- 5. Discussion and future work
- In which we contrast the two visualisations and discuss potential future directions.
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Figure 1. The Mood Floor
made by sons
of sensor as part of
the scrap heap (computing)
Figure 2. Molecular Meanderer
Figure 3. Web fields for sample pages
Figure 4. Path through the web net
Figure 5. Stages of visualisation