Sociality, Physicality and Spatiality: touching private and public displays

Alan Dix1, Corina Sas1, Devina Ramduny-Ellis1, Steve Gill2, Joanna Hare2

1. Computing Department, Infolab21, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
2. Cardiff School of Art & Design, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Wales

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Paper at Workshop on Designing Multi-touch Interaction Techniques for Coupled Public and Private Displays (PP08) at AVI 2008, Naples, 31st May 2008

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This paper considers two strands of research that each contributes to an understanding of touch-based interaction with private and public displays. The first is based on general frameworks for private device–public display interaction, which is driven by the growing body of work in the area, but focuses on the level of integration of public and private devices and the importance of understanding social setting and bystanders. The second strand is centred on physicality; how different kinds of physical device impact interaction and how modelling of touch-based devices causes particular problems that require notations and formalisms of continuous and bodily interaction.

Keywords: public displays, touch interaction, spatial interaction, physicality


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Full reference:

A. Dix, C. Sas, D. Ramduny-Ellis, S. Gill, and J. Hare (2008) Sociality, Physicality and Spatiality: touching private and public displays. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Designing Multi-touch Interaction Techniques for Coupled Public and Private Displays (PP08) at AVI 2008, Naples, 31st May 2008


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Figure 1. Ways to touch and connect


(i) (ii)

Figure 3. Physical prototypes

Alan Dix 8/5/2008