Grammatically interpreted task analysis for supply chain forecasting

Stavros Asimakopoulos1, Robert Fildes1 and Alan Dix2
1. Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
2. Computing Department, Infolab21, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
< Robert on the Web > < Alan on the Web >

Paper at HCI 2005, September 2005, Edinburgh, UK.

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Traditional task analysis models have contributed to a more effective understanding of the tasks involved in different industries. As part of a broader study of interfaces for forecasting systems, we have used hierarchical task analysis to describe the normative process of producing sales forecasts. In order to validate this against reported scenarios and observations of actual use, we are applying an approach that uses a parallel to the grammar of everyday language to map tasks and sub-tasks to scenarios. In this paper we describe the technique and progress in applying this to observed tasks that users follow to produce forecasts in an organizational setting. We hope that the combination of grammar-based task analysis with interviews with users and software designers will enhance our understanding of sales forecast.

Keywords: Task analysis models, grammar based task analysis, forecasting tasks, organizational forecasting, forecasting software systems

Full reference:
Asimakopoulos, S., Fildes, R., and Dix, A. (2005). Grammatically interpreted task analysis for supply chain forecasting. in Proceedings of the 10th British HCI conference, September 5-9, Edinburgh. pp. 235-237


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  2. Assimakopoulos, V., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2003) Theta intelligent forecasting information system. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 103, 711-726.
  3. Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, D.G., & Beale, R. (2004) Human-Computer Interaction. Pearson-Prentice Hall, Europe.
  4. Fildes, R., Goodwin, P., & Lawrence, M. (2005) The design features of Forecasting support systems and their effectiveness. Decision Support Systems, Article in Press.
  5. Shepherd, A. (1989) Analysis and training in information technology tasks. In Diaper, D. (Ed), Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction. Ellis Horwood, Chichester.

Alan Dix 25/3/2006